Friday, January 04, 2008

Remember to Ask for a Paper Ballot

Our new Secretary of State is on the case. The analysis, and the subsequent directives coming out of her work are impressive.


s said...

Paper ballots are a first, important, step. There also must be random independent audits to insure free and fair elections.

Anonymous said...

Transparency is the key. Even with the paper ballots, there's still weakness with the decentralized scanning that still takes place today in Hamilton County.

Anonymous said...

Any Republican with an IQ in triple digits has either cashed out or been indicted by now. Which means the only thing the motley crew left has more of than corruption, is stupidity. With those abundances, eventually there will be a glitch at Election Central which will result in an unapproved candidate being assigned the most votes.

From that day forward, paper, auditable, audited ballots and counts will be the battle cry of the Republicans.