Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wha...? Cincinnati had two newspapers?

This is a wrap-up from City Beat of the last days of the Cincinnati Post. It's tragic that there wasn't some exploration around some alternative media models that would allow the Post to continue in some fashion with a more aggressive, branded online presence than the muddled and buried mix of content within

I think timing may as well had something to do with the lack of focus on the survivability of the Post. At the same time that any rescue effort was underway for the Post, Scripps was working on its own corporate split. Judging from the way these things typically progress, my guess is that there was insufficient time available to review alternative business models that would sustain any new venture.

1 comment:

s said...

When Marc Chagall died in 1985, I remember my surprise that he was still alive the day before vividly.

The Post is still alive? Soon it will be the Francisco Franco of Cincinnati, still dead.