Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I couldn't watch the entire segment

"OH02 Blog makes a compelling case for how we should respond to this crap. Williams is certifiable cretin, and yet, he is able to orchestrate a very effective "I will belittle you in order to raise my argument up" approach while packaging every possible soundbyte from the right to filibuster the guest. It would be truly interesting to see someone, say Randi Rhodes to head-to-head with this guy.

Monday, June 20, 2005

At What Point Does This Become Unacceptable

I see this, and many of us who make the netroots our news home see this on a nearly daily basis across the nation. I am deeply troubled each time I hear it, and say a prayer for the soldier and his/her families. I've cried watching the roll call on Nightline. And the 10 second blurbs on the local news when a soldier, resident of a community in Ohio makes the first few headlines. I realize I am not doing enough. I am outraged, but as yet, am not doing enough.

And yet, I think I am worlds ahead of a good chunk of the population who are immune to this view, and wonder what will it take for the realization of what is happening to sink into the consciousness of the population at large. Is there such an immunity, or aversion to seeing the truth, or stark revulsion of the truth that they simply are not willing to acknowledge this reality? When does the tipping point come that we believe we've had enough?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Commentary on the Hackett Candidacy in 0H-02

I had the opportunity to postthe attached at Kos today. Hackett's cause is not lost. The planets might need to align, but history has proven that we can win this district.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Length To Which Corporations Own the Government

We all know it's there, but to actually see the rough draft of the arrogance of the their efforts is quite astounding. You just have to hope that there will continue to be a stream of this stuff coming as a result of the president's poll numbers continue to drop through the floor.

The question that I keep pondering is that will there be a tipping point in the MSM where the those in positions of authority realize that the majority of Americans are not comfortable with the bullshit they are being served. In essence, wil there be a time when they say, for economic reasons, they decide that it simply does not make sense to kow-tow the administration's line.

Evidently, it isn't happening any time soon. Hearing David Broder cite Walter Pincus' article on the front page of the Post this morning as an indication that the MSM is, and has been doing there job bordered on the absurd. We will just have to wait and see whether in fact it will happen, but the trending is working in our favor.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

TalkLeft: Al Qaeda Capture: Mistaken Identity?

It would appear that we were abit ahead of ourselves. I'm sure we'll find the note on the correction buried on page C16, next to the obits, or near the classfieds (likely in similar point font).

Saturday, May 07, 2005

A National Disgrace

Susan over at Suburban Guerilla has a compelling post on an issue that is completely missedin the morass of issues we have before us with this current administration.

Are you a Republican?

Are you a Republican?: "

I am:
'You're a complete liberal, utterly without a trace of Republicanism. Your strength is as the strength of ten because your heart is pure. (You hope.)'

Are You A Republican?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Painfully Opaque Ways to Get Money from Already Wealthy

An utterly fascinating investigation here by ABC News. This one must have slipped past the party censors.

I am on occasion pleasantly surprised by the work that Brian Ross does. It is one tiny voice in the vast sea of contrived and slanted corporate media jounalism.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Hoffmania!: The Schiavo Case In a Nutshell

The hypocrisy can be cut with a knife when you read this. It remains a truly stunning set of positions, where you can in one breath speak to the importance of a single individual's right to die, and yet have complete disregard for the balance of the population, struggling with over-whelming debt, bankruptcy, child care, medical care. -- all of the other issues that seem to be directly related to society's ability to "live with dignity."

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Gonzales: Torture treaty doesn't bar 'cruel, inhuman' tactics

At what point does this end? There seems to be an infinite amount of abject stupidity mindless cruelty disguised as policy coming from current and future leaders within the Bush administration.

Gonzalez is consigliere, for sure but is serving a role that is beyond the scope of anything we have seen since, I'm guessing, the days of the old bosses in New York and Chicago. He's an errand boy who cleans up, covers up, and subtlely (or perhaps not so subltely) threatens those who may not be working for "the cause."

My guess here: 26 of the 44 Democratic senators will vote against the nomination of Gonzalez to be Attorney General. Is this, along with yesterday's session on Condi, the formation of the spine of the New Democratic Party?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

How Many...?

Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

(via Kos)

Friday, January 07, 2005

Pro-Birth vs. Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice

This new word needs to be put into the Pro-Birth, and those who align themselves in such a way need to called out for what they are as described in Daily Kos.