Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rudy's Health Care System of Choice

This, from the best columnist at the New York Times. When do we move up to #10 -- at least?

And when are they going to hire the foil to Bill Kristol (i.e. someone with intellect, and a conscience)? Natch, I settle for double Krugman, hold the foam.


s said...

GHD maybe you could spice the place up a bit with some local talk. Or Brittney talk?

Just a thought. It's a little early to sell out to Brittney, but KO works it in well.

GreenhillsDem said...

Thanks for the input, s! I find myself averting my eyes when the Brittney stuff comes on, kind of like when you avoid looking at an auto accident (after the initial rubber-necking, of course).

s said...

Hey, if KO can do Brittney and hold his head high, so can you.

Seriously, the problem with Brittney stories is that they are boring and obnoxiously repetitive.