Friday, March 28, 2008

National Health Care Costs / Percentage of GDP

I was at a family dinner last weekend, and one of my relatives who works in the medical field mentioned that those who are begging for "universal health care better be careful for what they ask for." While I think the comment is fundamentally flawed, because I'm not sold yet that the decision is between what we currently have and universal health care, I firmly believe what we have right now is not working.

The graph, from this report referenced in a blog posting from Krugman speaks to the underlying dilemma. I think the argument should be that simply put, doing nothing, as we have not done pretty much for the time frame of this chart, is not working, and we need to now do something. I think for it's faults, (including the lack of a full mandate), Obama's plan is a good start, and is better than anything that has been proposed from the other side.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Steve Driehaus Looking for Contributions

As mentioned previously, 01 is considered a key target in the 2008 election cycle for the Dems. Contribute early and often to Steve's campaign.

Next Meeting of the Greenhills Dems: April 17

Just a reminder that we are supposed to get back together again Thursday, April 17th, at 7pm. Hope you all can make it! We need to get energized for the fall elections. We'll be up at the Greenhills Community Building Library again.

Fries Cafe - New Home for Drinking Liberally Cincinnati

This represents a certain harmonic convergence for me...

Hi all,

As you know, the District One chapter of Drinking Liberally Cincinnati hasn't had a permanent home in quite a while. Well, starting this Tuesday, April 1st, we're going to move into our new digs. To have a central location, we've chosen Fries Cafe in Clifton as our bar of choice. Fries is located at 3247 Jefferson Ave., just down from Ludlow. Fries typically has a wide selection of draft beers (they're especially fond of the Bell's brand), and has a very laid-back atmosphere to enjoy a drink or two in.

Now here's the interesting catch. Fries does not serve food (obviously that's why it's called a cafe), but they will allow you to bring food in from outside - so long as we clean up after ourselves. We're going to use this opportunity to patronize local restaurants as well. Each week we'll pick a neighborhood restaurant that one of the group will take orders for and bring in the food, or you can feel free to bring in your own if you'd like.

For the first meeting, we'll be bringing in pizza from one of Cincinnati's oldest and best pizzerias, Adriatico's Pizza (they're so old they don't even have a website). If you're interested in ordering with the group, be at Fries around 7:30 - we'll put in an order around 7:45-8:00 depending on group size (sorry, I can't do e-mail orders, we need you to be there so we can collect cash and such).

Any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail. Hope to see you all Tuesday for the grand opening of the new location!


Hillary Did Take Sniper Fire in Bosnia

Who Knew?

Apologies to the Greenhills natives who are Hillary fans.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hagel: 900 Dead Soldiers Someone Else's Definition of Success

Hagel nails it in this quick exchange with the Stephanopolagus. In essence, what is lost in the meme around the "surge is working" is that most everyone, including the talking heads in the mainstream media seem to forget that decrease in violence was not the end, in and of itself, but rather, a means to an end, whereby the Iraqi's would be able to build some semblance of a political structure opened up by the draw down in violence. The former has not happened, despite the latter.

Jon Stewart on Thursday described the Surge as a "Human DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)" that we continue to sustain, evidently indefinitely.

From My Email

This Jewel of a Community-Growing up in Greenhills Ohio in the 1940's
A Lecture by Charles Gene Mefford
Monday, March 24, 2008
Greenhills Municipal Building11000 Winton Road
2nd floor - Handicapped Accessible
7:30 p.m.
All welcome

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hillary's Plan

A very republican co-worker suggested that Hillary, if she won the nomination would pick Bill as her running mate, and if that happens Obama would go independent, and run with Bloomberg. I replied that (1) I am fairly confident that Bill can not be Vice President (something about people who've been president can't be in line to be president again, or some such constitutional legalese), and (2) Bloomberg is a Republican at heart, and would not run with Obama, nor did I believe that Obama would pursue a cross-over corporatist as his running mate.

The point of this though is that I am now hearing rumors that Hillary might consider an independent run against Obama if she does not be the nomination. Given the the tenor of the commentary after the recent turn of events (Richardson's endorsement of Obama to name one), my sense is that this could be something she pulls off.

I could think of no better way to guarantee a McCain victory in the fall!

News Item from Friday Night

Noted without comment:

White House: Computer hard drives tossed

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The New Hybrid Scion

I guess somebody thinks this is cool, but I'm sorry. This is just plain ugly

A Test for McCain - Support for the New GI Bill

Who am I kidding. The "Maverick" actually putting his neck out and alienating his new-found base. Jim Webb will be waiting a long time for McCain's support for this, the new GI Bill for post 9/11 veterans. My prediction: won't happen this election cycle.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Crap! JPMorgan Chase To Acquire Bear Stearns

This is not a small thing. This is big cr*p-in-your-pants sort of stuff.

On Obama's Pastor

The "God Damn America" comment by Obama's pastor as a standalone seems incendiary especially as the MSM is positioning it, no doubt, but the quote in larger context seems to drive to the heart of the social commentary for which he is known (from ABC News):
No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," (Wright) said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."
I disagree with Reverend Wright on one point: I do not believe it is America that is at fault for killing innocent people. I do believe it is the misguided policies of our leaders who should be damned, that resulted in the tragedy to which Pastor Wright is foreshadowing. I would add that the phrase itself, when compared with the commentary of some other supporters for other candidates (including those who suggest that we should bomb Iran as part of a larger war against Muslims, and/or that Catholicism is a cult), seems to pale.

And I think the biblical quote he is referencing seems to provide some clarity as to the underlying rationale of the spirit of his commentary: This from DailyKos. In many ways, the words he uses to provide his interpretation is shocking, and in a certain sense, is meant to shock his community -- shock it into action.

Additionally, I can't bring myself to object to his right to say these words. We live in America, and one of the greatest things about living in America is that commentary such as this has been part of what burnishes our views on all sides of all issues.

A Meeting of Greenhills Democrats, 3/20

Just a reminder that we are supposed to get back together again this Thursday, at 7pm. Hope you all can make it!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Blogs Afire with Anti-Hillary Meme

And rightfully so. Her putting McCain on a pedestal (I think the technical term in the political circles - a term borrowed from the adult movie industry - is "fluffing") at the same time throwing Obama under the bus is getting out of hand. Although I haven't pinpointed her rationale, Randi Rhodes' theory is justthisside of far-fectched. Of her two theories, that (a) Hillary wants to be his running mate, or (b) she'll implode the party in order to give McCain the election this year, allowing her to come out in 2012, the latter seems more plausible.

Chabot Aide Gets Caught Doing Campaign Work from House Office

Having worked in a congressional office, this is one of those things that you have to be careful about. We would get calls in the roll-up to campaign season in the office, and would have to refer them elsewhere, pretty quickly. Some of the mistakes are inevitable, and I put this in that category.

Managing China: Cincinnati Skyline Featured?

Interesting Screen Capture from CNBC World this morning. This is a show called "Managing China" which, because it is completely in Chinese has captions. Today's topic was on the challenges in China dealing with firms who are illegally or inappropriately profiting off their association with the Beijing Olympics. Of note is the backdrop for the show: the Cincinnati skyline.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

This Is What Real Accountability Looks Like

I wish I had representation like this in Congress. Rep. Ackerman (D-NY) holds Satterfield accountable as Satterfield dissembles and tap dances his way through the responses.

Update (3/22): I can not seem to find an update. It means nothing if there's no follow-up. I hope that Ackerman's efforts weren't for show.