Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Gonzales: Torture treaty doesn't bar 'cruel, inhuman' tactics

At what point does this end? There seems to be an infinite amount of abject stupidity mindless cruelty disguised as policy coming from current and future leaders within the Bush administration.

Gonzalez is consigliere, for sure but is serving a role that is beyond the scope of anything we have seen since, I'm guessing, the days of the old bosses in New York and Chicago. He's an errand boy who cleans up, covers up, and subtlely (or perhaps not so subltely) threatens those who may not be working for "the cause."

My guess here: 26 of the 44 Democratic senators will vote against the nomination of Gonzalez to be Attorney General. Is this, along with yesterday's session on Condi, the formation of the spine of the New Democratic Party?

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