Sunday, April 26, 2009


How does anyone survive being waterboarded 183 times - - in one month. That's over 6 times a day, and most assuredly it wasn't with that level of consistency, I'm assuming.

I was also struck by the clinical nature of the commentary from the Bradbury report:
...where authorized, it may be used for two "sessions" per day of up to two hours. During a session, water may be applied up to six times for ten seconds or longer (but never more than 40 seconds). In a 24-hour period, a detainee may be subjected to up to twelve minutes of water appliaction....Additionally, the waterboard may be used on as many as five days during a 30-day approval period.
Thinking about those times in my life, either as a result of some foolishness underwater, or something going down the wrong pipe, experiencing just a few seconds of the panicked sensation of not being able to breathe, and then multiplying it out to the extent of what is described here is unfathomable.